ABOUT THE ARTIST BARRY STEVENSI live a relatively secluded life in Pembrokeshire though I have a certain amount of contact with Kindred Spirits. I have been painting mandalas since the early '70's and it is an ongoing interest and means of livelihood. In recent years I have also hosted guests here and run small classes. As most of you are probably aware Mandala Art is a meditative art form and I have had a long term interest in mystical philosophy, healing, sacred sites and related subjects. I would welcome any communications of this nature.
St David is the patron saint of Wales and the cathedral is in Pembrokeshire about thirty miles away. I have a great interest in and appreciation of the many sacred sites and beautiful scenery and nature in this part of the world and a have a collection of photos of the vicinity.
I live alone in the country and meet up occasionally with friends. In my mid twenties I became the father of my daughter Devi who has always lived with her mother abroad, mainly in Holland. Devi is currently living in Amsterdam with her partner and their children. Otherwise my family connections are somewhat tenuous as both my parents have moved on from this dimension, and I don't see much of my brother or other relatives. Here in Wales for many years there has been an extensive network of people pursuing "alternative" lifestyles and there are many artists, craftsmen and women, healers, a few astrologers, organic gardeners, a Steiner school and so on. We are a loose knit community. The indigenous Welsh population who have been here for centuries and been gradually infiltrated by other nationalities especially the English preserve a certain independence from this wave of "incomers" and I am not particularly well integrated into the mainstream local community. However everyone is friendly and I do have a few welsh speaking friends who were born and brought up here. My mother's side of the family is Welsh but I was born in Malta and brought up in Southern England. Further background information about my journey can be found in autobiographical notes.
Photo taken 2008
Thank you for visiting. Messages can be sent using the e.mail form. I also have a mandalas page Mandalas - Colour, Light and The Sacred Circle on Facebook. ![]()